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Public Forms

Form Number Form Title Details Form / e-Form
ACQ-001aApplication Form for Early Payment of Ex-gratia Allowance for Shops, Workshops, Godowns, Slipways, Schools, Churches and Ornamental Fish Breeding Undertakings / Ex-gratia Allowance for Open-air/Outdoor Business Undertakings / Rehabilitation Allowance / Disturbance Allowance for Cultivators / Crop Compensation / Ex-gratia Allowance for Miscellaneous Permanent Improvements to Farms (including Farm Equipment and Implements) / Ex-gratia Allowance for Qualifying Agricultural Buildings on Private Land / Ex-gratia Allowance for Pig and Poultry Farmers / Ex-gratia Allowance for Pond Fish Farmers Rearing Edible Fish and Fish Fry / Ex-gratia Allowance for Red Worm Pond Operators / Ex-gratia Allowance for Oyster Farmers in Deep Bay
ACQ-001bApplication Form for Early Payment of Ex-gratia Allowance for Permitted Occupiers of Licenced Structures and Surveyed Squatters affected by Clearance and/or Domestic Removal Allowance
ACQ-002Application Form for Ex-gratia Allowance for Crops / Miscellaneous Permanent Improvements to Farms / Pine Trees / Fish-ponds / Farm Equipment and Implements
ACQ-003Application Form for Ex-gratia Allowance for Removal of Grave / Urn (Kam Tap)
C/PVSSafety Certificate for Photovoltaic System installed on Roof/ Roof of Stairhood of New Territories Exempted House
(Starting from 2 April 2024, the C/PVS forms will be submitted electronically, replacing the paper-based submissions. All Authorized Persons must submit the forms through the online platform.)
CE/1 to CE/5Application Form for Certificates of Exemption in respect of Building, Site Formation & Drainage Works
CU 001Application and Declaration for Emergency Relief Fund Form
(for Type of Payment: B1 and B4)
DAO-001Application Form for Access to Information 
DAO-002Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance - Data Access Request Form 
DAO-003Personal Data Correction Request Form 
LACO 01Application Form for Apportionment of Government Rent/Premium of Premises
LACO 02Application Form for Consent to Underlet or License / Sell / Mortgage or Charge by Owner (under the "Hong Kong Property for Hong Kong People" measure)
LACO 03Form of Statutory Declaration – FORM "A" (under the "Hong Kong Property for Hong Kong People" measure)
LACO 04Form of Statutory Declaration – FORM "B" (under the "Hong Kong Property for Hong Kong People" measure)
LACO 05Form of Statutory Declaration – FORM "C" (under the "Hong Kong Property for Hong Kong People" measure)
LAO-001Standard Application Form for Use in respect of Available Vacant Government Land on Short Term Basis for Community, Institutional or Non-profit Making Purposes
LAO-002Standard Application Form for Waivers Cases
LAOV-001Application Form for Removal of Alienation Restrictions - Former Civil Servants’ Co-operative Building Society /Former Government Built Housing Scheme Developments 
LND 455Direct Debit Authorization for Payment of Government Rent
LND 456Government Rent Account Enquiry Form 
LND 457Notification of Change in Government Rent/Premium Payer's Name and/or Address
LND 457AApplication of receiving/change receiving details of/cancel receiving electronic Government rent/Premium demand note 
LND 458Cancellation of Direct Debit Authorization for Payment of Government Rent 
LND 504ADirect Debit Authorisation for Payment of Rents from Short Term Tenancies
LND 504BCancellation of Direct Bank Debit for Payment of Rents from Short Term Tenancies
SC&SD 02Application for a Deed of Rectification 
SDTF 01Application Form for Display of Roadside Non-Commercial Publicity Materials 
SDTF 02Application Form for Excavation Permit 
SDTF 03"Street Counter Pass", web-based application platform for temporary occupation of Government land for setting up street counters to hold non-profit making and non-fund raising activities
SDTF 04Opinion survey on the Street Counter Pass system 
SDTF 05Application and Declaration for Emergency Relief Fund Form
(for Type of Payment: B2, B3 and B5)
SDTF 06Application and Declaration for Emergency Relief Fund Form
(for Type of Payment: D1)
SMF-0001Request form for Purchase of Survey Data and Information 
SMF-0014Application for registration as an Authorized Land Surveyor under section 13(1) of the Land Survey Ordinance (cap. 473) 
SMF-0015Deposit of Land Boundary Plan and Survey Record Plan with the Land Survey Authority under Section 30 of the Land Survey Ordinance (Cap. 473) 
SMF-0016Application for renewal of registration as an Authorized Land Surveyor under section 14(2) of the Land Survey Ordinance (Cap. 473) 
SMF-0017Notification on change of particulars under section 11(3) of the Land Survey Ordinance (Cap. 473) 
SMF-0018Booking of Plover Cove EDM Baseline 
SMF-0043Voluntary Submission of Land Boundary Plan and Survey Record Plan to District Survey Office for Sharing Purpose 
SMF-0051Application for Reinstatement of Name after Removal from the Register under section 16(1) of the Land Survey Ordinance (Cap. 473) 
SMF-0076Booking of GNSS Equipment Calibration Site 
SMF-0088Product Feedback Form 
SMF-0095Undertakings by Government Bureau/Department for Provision of Digital Map from the Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department to Consultant/Contractor 
SMF-0096Undertakings by Consultant/Contractor on the Use of Digital Map from the Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department 
SMF-0097Confirmation by Government’s Consultant/Contractor on the Cessation of the Use of Digital Map From the Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department 
SMF-0099Undertakings by Customer for the Provision of Digital Map from SMO, Lands Department to Consultant 
SMF-0100Undertakings by Consultant on the Use of Government Digital Map from SMO, Lands Department  
SMF-0103Digital Map Order Form 
SMF-0128Request for Collection of Product(s) in Lost Plan/Photo Printing Order Form 
SMF-0145On-line Product Feedback Form (online submission) 
SMF-0148Request for Product Exchange / Refund 
SMF-0153Report form of Missing / Disturbance of Geodetic Survey Stations 
SMF-0176Product Feedback Form - “Countryside Maps” 
SMF-0180On-line Product Feedback Form - “Countryside Maps” 
SMF-0200Hong Kong Map Service 2.0 - Company Account Application Form 
SMF-0256Application for Real Time Kinematic (RTK) or Differential GPS Survey Services of Hong Kong Satellite Positioning Reference Station Network (SatRef) 
VISD-01Application for Rebuilding a Village House in the New Territories
VISD-02Composite Application Form to build a Small House in the New Territories

Supplementary Information

Title Download
Licence Agreement for Using Government Digital Map (Form_LA)
Overseas Digital Map Order Information (Overseas)
Information Paper of Hong Kong Digital Map Product (Product)
Guidelines to Government Bureau/Department requesting on behalf of Consultants/Contractors for Digital Map
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